DADANCO EUROPE is not just another product supplier, but is a valued member of the design process where genuine value is added. To this end, DADANCO EUROPE can provide Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Dynamic Building Energy Simulation along with intelligent product selection software which creates BIM (Building Integration Modeling) that plugs directly into Revit MEP. Furthermore, DADANCO EUROPE’s test and demonstration facilities fully support the company’s solution approach to HVAC engineering.
DADANCO EUROPE has access to State-of-the-Art test and demonstration facilities of DADANCO a MESTEK Company in Westfield, MA in the United States which fully support the company’s solution approach to HVAC engineering.
CFD analysis & Energy Modeling
DADANCO EUROPE use both CFD analysis & Energy Modeling in the design and application of its product range.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can provide a deep understanding of interior environment of a space based on robust solvers and accurate solutions. The simulations provide an insight on thermal and fluid characteristics of a model and can play a key role in the decision making process during concept design of a project.
CFD analysis also provides an opportunity to vary parameters and critically evaluates the individual effects before making any concrete changes in mockups or mechanical design and consequently, avoids any associated costs.
Selection Software
You can download and use Dadanco Europe Selection Software form this link: Selection Software.